Miscellaneous in January

I think that could be the theme for this month: miscellaneous.

It's been a little difficult to settle back into the working world of a desk-job.  I think that my father has helped ruin me in that respect, further maintained by years of field work and grad school.  I have never really had to go and sit and be at a computer for 40 hours every week, from now until....it's a good job, with wonderful people, and a good mission.  And you have to get paid, right?  Right?  (I'm just not entirely convinced that there is one way to skin that [proverbial] cat)

Anyways...some pictures (I apologize - they're grossly dog-centric):

dirty window sunrise

Happy Solstice morning! 

this is painfulholy data entry Me, catching up on the waaaaay backlogged amount of data entry that had to be done at work.  Data entry can be so painful (post-it notes from 2006 have a way of making tears come to your eyes) 

LE flour power Can you see the bag of flour in the middle of the floor?  LE had some "issues" with grains, etc. this winter.

  dog instigationjump pemba jump

Ben, trying to get Kaya to jump jump

jump kaya jump in vain.

harbor iceIce in the Harbor in Homer......

dogs on docks  And the dogs before Pemba decided to go swimming in diesel fuel.