these pictures are from the flight back from CO, but since this is where they uploaded to, this is where they'll stay! I took them from the plane on the way home to Fairbanks. The mountain shots are of Denali and the Alaska Range around her! Then there's a shot of the Tanana River as we passed through the cloud layer coming into Fairbanks...ahh, the beautiful colors of fall in interior AK!

During September a bunch of us from UAF headed down to Estes Park, CO for the Long Term Ecological Research group's All Scientists Meeting (LTER ASM!)
Up here, most of us work for the Bonanza Creek LTER
Check out the nationwide network!
I got to go, paid for by said network, as I am one of the graduate student site representatives, along with Kelly, for BNZ!
It was beautiful, as well as being an interesting conference with scientists working all over the country and the world present.

We skipped out one morning to go hiking in Rocky Mtn National Park...what a different ecosystem than interior AK!!

From left to right, Katie, Blaine, Evan, me, Dana!

During September a bunch of us from UAF headed down to Estes Park, CO for the Long Term Ecological Research group's All Scientists Meeting (LTER ASM!)
Up here, most of us work for the Bonanza Creek LTER
Check out the nationwide network!
I got to go, paid for by said network, as I am one of the graduate student site representatives, along with Kelly, for BNZ!
It was beautiful, as well as being an interesting conference with scientists working all over the country and the world present.

We skipped out one morning to go hiking in Rocky Mtn National Park...what a different ecosystem than interior AK!!

From left to right, Katie, Blaine, Evan, me, Dana!